English (3)

importance of english

Nowadays, many films, TV shows, books and music are published and produced in English. By understanding English, you won’t need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore. By accessing these media, you will also continuously improve your English listening and reading skills.

English is currently the language of the internet. An estimated 565 million people use the internet every day and about 52% of the world’s most visited websites are displayed in English. Therefore, learning this language gives access to over half the content of the internet, which might not be available otherwise. Whether it is for fun or for work, if you understand English, you will be able to exchange information with more people online and use many more materials.

Advantages of Spoken english

It improves your knowledge and understanding

This is one of the most compelling reasons to become fluent in English. If you are a learner and want to enhance your knowledge, you ought to learn English. This is because it is the bridge that leads you to the vast world of knowledge.
All literary masterpieces are in English. The latest research papers are published in English. So, if you want to gain knowledge, you need to learn English.

It improves your confidence and communication skills

Of course, you can communicate in other languages but English gives you a certain confidence and you come out as a more impressive individual.
There are people who shy away from coming out in public just because they lack fluency in English. This makes them socially very awkward. To avoid awkwardness, you must become fluent in English.

It gives you influence, power, and friends

Social media is in English. All major websites and applications are in English. All the most popular novels are in English. If you are fluent in English, you will have influence, power, knowledge, and more friends.